(For internships, please attach your educational resume and transcript with the completed application)
Are you interning to fulfill a class requirement?
Are you volunteering to fulfill a court-ordered community service requirement?
Are you currently on probation, parole, or completing service hours?*
Have you been arrested, charged, or convicted of an assault or felony?*
Have you been under investigation through TDFPS(CPS and/or APS)?*
Highest level of education:*
Are you currently a student?*
Do you need special accommodation for your volunteer expirience?
Are there any restrictions on your volunteer capabilities?
Have you ever been convicted of a law violation (other than routine traffic violation)?*
Have you, your spouse, or a family member ever received services from the SAAFE House?*
If yes, please explain in a separately attached document
I understand that volunteers are required to always maintain confidentiality during and after their volunteer assignments and that violation of this confidentiality is cause for termination of my volunteer services.
I understand that the misrepresentation of the information requested us the cause for the termination of my volunteer services. I authorize the investigation of all statements contained in this application.
SAAFE House has the right to conduct a criminal background check and by signing below, you authorize the investigation of all statements made in this application. Further, by signing below , you agree that you understand these terms as stated and have answered all questions truthfully.
Direct Services & Advocacy.............(Requires additional training. This is going to provide you with everything that you need to potentially have your own caseload at the office or to help cover shifts in our shelter)
Return Completed Applications to:
1426 Sam Houston Ave.
Huntsville, TX 77340